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Food Handler Card: all employees that handle food: cooks, dishwashers, waiters & bussers need this card by March 1, 2018
sign up at NM Restaurant Association, Joe’s Diner is a member and you do qualify for the member discount.
Food Handler Card or
Alcohol Server license or
Food Handler Manager (this certification costs $125.00 and will be reimbursed by Joe’s when you bring us the certificate. Your hourly wages also will go up by $1.00/hr. All kitchen staff and MOD’s are encouraged to get this license. )
or call 505-343-9848
New W-4 for 2020
This is the form that determines how much federal income tax is withheld from an employee’s paycheck based on how the worker filled it out. The revision is designed to reflect changes in the federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that took effect in 2018.
Used correctly, it should lead to more accurate withholding for most employees, especially two-earner couples. That should result in fewer big refunds or balances due at tax time.
Here are some links to give you more information.
The new Form https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw4.pdf
What you need to Know https://www.sfchronicle.com/business/networth/article/New-IRS-W-4-form-arrives-Wednesday-What-you-need-14939336.php
Tax withholding Estimator https://www.irs.gov/individuals/tax-withholding-estimator
FAQ https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/faqs-on-the-2020-form-w-4
Question from Employer to IRS?
May I ask all of my employees paid before 2020 to furnish new forms W-4 using the redesigned version of the form ?
Yes. You may ask, but as part of the request you should explain that:
- they are not required to furnish a new Form W-4, and
- if they do not furnish a new Form W-4, withholding will continue based on a valid form previously furnished.
For those employees who furnished forms before 2020 and who do not furnish a new one after 2019, you must continue to withhold based on the forms previously furnished. You are not permitted to treat employees as failing to furnish Forms W-4 if they don’t furnish a new Form W-4. Note that special rules apply to Forms W-4 claiming exemption from withholding.
If you get your taxes done by a Tax service it would be a good idea to take this new form and ask them how to fill it out.