Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -167 Fall 2024
Joe’s Newsletter #167 FALL 2024 Sheila (archives available at JoesDining.com) November 7th from our kitchen window – Our Canadian friends exclaim, What! you get snow in the desert?! ♦ It’s Thanksgiving this week. Our deepest gratitude goes out to you our dear customers, to our staff who are reportedly the friendliest in Santa Fe, to all our friends and family whom we love and who love and support us and to God. ♦ Dija know? Richard Eeds, your local SF know-it-all talk show host, broadcasts live from...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -166 Summer 2024
Joe’s Newsletter #166 SUMMER 2024 Sheila (archives available at JoesDining.com) . A sure sign of summer! Our sour cherry tree is hanging low with its biggest crop ever. . ♦ Dija know? Richard Eeds, your local SF know-it-all talk show host, broadcasts live from table #21 here at Joe’s. He does this every first Friday of the month for 1260AM Radio. Say hi to him. ♦ Dija know? It does appear that fewer and fewer people are smoking traditional cigarettes than ever. But guess what! Determined smokers have...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -165 Spring 2024
“Dija Know…” Joe’s Newsletter #165C SPRING 2024 Sheila (archives available at JoesDining.com) One hot mama. Not exactly your typical mom but . . . did we get your attention? ♦ Spring and Mother’s Day! So many special events and holidays occur in the Spring, but none as sacrosanct as Mother’s Day. Forget it at your peril! Being a mother, she will probably forgive if you forget. Roland will cook up some delicious and very special creations for Mother’s Day. Reservations are usually not needed but...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -164 November 2023
Joe’s Newsletter #164, NOV 2023 Sheila (archives available at JoesDining.com) Bring it on! We need the snow! . • This glorious time of year always reminds us that we cherish you, our customers, you our dear staff and thank you for simply being you. Although the world seems in chaos, it becomes even more urgent that we choose to recognize all things beautiful, all things joyful and give thanks. • DiJa Know? Is Richard Eeds your favorite local broadcaster? Well you can watch him live at work...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -163 Summer 2023
“Dija Know…” Joe’s Newsletter #163, Summer 2023 Sheila (archives available at JoesDining.com) www.JoesDining.com Mission: to strengthen our health, to protect our land, to grow our economy by serving local sustainable food. . A recent visitor. It’s summer!! . DiJa Know? Is Richard Eeds your favorite local broadcaster? Well you can watch him live at work here at Joe’s every 1st Friday of the month from 1PM to 4PM. 1260 AM Radio. DiJa Know? Joe’s showcases a new bevvie of local-only artists...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -162 Spring 2023
“Dija Know…” Joe’s Newsletter #162, Spring 2023 Sheila (archives available at JoesDining.com) . Mission: to strengthen our health, to protect our land, to grow our economy by serving local sustainable food. . Lunchables – coming to a school near you . DiJa Know? Is Richard Eeds your favorite local broadcaster? Well you can watch him live at work here a Joe’s every 1st Friday of the month from 1PM to 4PM. 1260 AM Radio. DiJa Know? Joe’s showcases a new set of local-only artists every six...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -161 Spring 2023
DiJa Know? Is Richard Eeds your favorite local broadcaster? Well you can watch him live at work here a Joe’s every 1st Friday of the month from 1PM to 4PM. 1260 AM Radio. DiJa Know? Joe’s showcases a new set of local-only artists every six months. In the main dining room, we have Nancy Nickerson showing her beautiful NM landscapes. In the Red Room Bill Todino’s elegant, lean black and white photos grace the walls. All are for sale. DiJa Know? Joe’s now serves cocktails. All...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -159 Spring 2022
“Dija Know…” Joe’s Newsletter #159 (& # 160) SPRING 2022 Sheila (archives available at JoesDining.com) . . Full Moon April 16, 2022 an unusual convergence of Easter, Passover and Ramadan It’s Spring! We made it through! Again! Intervention or intention, who cares – if you’re reading this, you made it through. I am convinced we are on the other side of a world event that has imprinted itself on our very soul. The human spirit is elastic, resilient, forgiving and pretty damned...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -158 Winter 2022
When was your last Rodeo? or Horse Show? I’ll bet it’s been a while. Well trust Joe’s to bring it to you! Look all around you. If you’ve ever had a horse, yearned for a horse or simply admired a horse, you will really love what’s going on on our walls for the next several months. For me (Sheila) this is a dream come true – surrounded by her favorite “animal” – without having to do the mucking! Just kidding. I don’t mind the mucking – did some of...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -157 Autumn 2021
“Dija Know…” Joe’s Newsletter #157 Autumn 2021 Sheila (archives available at JoesDining.com) . . Morning on the Ranch, Oct. 21st (looking north-east to the Sangres) . . ◆ At this writing, Thanksgiving is just ’round the corner. If you are planning to serve Joe’s famous heat and serve dinner (full meal or à la carte), please do not dilly dally. It always sells out early. And this year presents more challenges on our end to pull it off . But we will do our best as always to make your Thanksgiving meal...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -156 Summer 2021
“Dija Know…” Joe’s Newsletter #156 SUMMER 2021 Sheila (archives available at JoesDining.com) . Joe’s patio with cooling misters!. . ◆ Pending but exciting!!!! Joe’s has applied for a liquor license. Under the new regulations and designations we intend to acquire a Local Spirits Permit. This designation fits hand-in-glove with our existing business model – serving local sustainable foods. If all goes well, and it will, we’ll soon be able to make your favorite cocktails with whiskeys,...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -155 Summer 2020
“Dija Know…” Joe’s Newsletter #155 SUMMER 2020 Sheila (archives available at JoesDining.com) Yes, Joe’s is open – both Patio & curbside !!! and sometimes inside, check with the Governor ◆ It’s summer! And Joe’s is open both inside and out. Yes, we are observing common sense procedures. And you can bet that behind the masks are smiles. It’s been a heck of a Spring. We’ve been rocked personally, nationally and globally like never before. We’ve got...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -153 Winter 2019
“Dija Know…” Joe’s Newsletter #153, WINTER 2019 Sheila (archives available at JoesDining.com) Stately lord or lady of the Plain, the American Bison Photo by Karen Novotny, local artist. Yellowstone 2010 ◆ Monday Dec. 2nd be sure to join us for what has become a wonderful annual event – the fund-raiser for our favorite charity – the Listening Horse Therapeutic Riding Program. Gus, Laurie, Kathy and Oatey will be in house to answer your questions about the program, to encourage you to...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -152 Autumn 2019
“Dija Know…” Joe’s Newsletter #152, AUTUMN 2019 Sheila (archives available at JoesDining.com) Local organic sun-ripened, heirloom tomatoes – oh my! ◆My favorite Santa Fe season is giving way to my runner-up season, Autumn. Who doesn’t love Fall in Santa Fe? The Farmer’s Market is exploding with veggies and fruits bursting with color and begging to be a part of your meal. Roland is there every Saturday to pick the very best and to gossip with our local growers. Unfortunately it hasn’t been the...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -151 Summer 2019
“Dija Know…” Joe’s Newsletter #151, SUMMER 2019 Sheila (archives available at JoesDining.com) Roland visits Grant Wilson at Lotus Farms, our new supplier located in Tijeras. ◆Joe’s has a new supplier of sustainably raised chickens. We are excited to announce that the Wilsons of Lotus Farms in Tijeras are doing everything the right way – following the lead of the rock star of sustainable farming, Joel Salatin. ◆It’s been long and slow in coming this year but summer is finally here!And Joe’s...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -150 Spring 2019
“Dija Know…” Joe’s Newsletter #150, SPRING 2019 Sheila (archives available at JoesDining.com) Desertification, the biggest threat to our food supply. ◆April can be taxing. If you get a refund – yay! Celebrate with a burger. If you had to pay, let us give youa break. It’s Joe’s 7thAnnual Burger Week starting April 8ththru the 15th. Any 2-topping Beef Burger is yours for just 8.99 (regularly 12.00). This is not just any beef. It is from Berry Ranch up in Raton. 6thgeneration ranchers...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -149 Winter 2019
“Dija Know…”Joe’s Newsletter #149, winter 2019Sheila (archives available at JoesDining.com) ◆This issue seems to have unfolded as the protein and fat issue. You’ll see why later. In the meantime we welcome the whimsical, fun and engaging works of 3 new artists: Chris Pennington (main dining room), Nancy Nickerson (RedRoom) and Russell Thornton (the ramp). Yes, they are all for sale! ◆ We pay at one end or the other. Good, really good...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -148 Winter 2018/19
“Dija Know…” Joe’s Newsletter #148, winter 2018/19 Sheila (archives available at JoesDining.com) I’m pretty sure my gift is in that sled. ◆ As Hanukkah ushers in the blessed season (Dec 3)we who live in Santa Fe have much to be grateful for. Times when I do get cranky about Santa Fe, I just have to look at the weather and disaster reports from other places both in the US and across the globe, and I can’t imagine living anywhere else! We even have snow this year!!! ◆ Greeting cards. For a truly...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -147 Autumn 2018
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -147 Autumn 2018 Putting along the Nivernais Canal in France ◆ We took a real vacation recently. Two years of planning took us to France with our dear Canadian friends. It was to celebrate our mutual 30th. We returned refreshed and full of ideas! I can tell you what you already know – the food…oh the food! We rented a boat and navigated it down the canal for ten days stopping in the small towns along the way, picking up local foods – cheeses, meats, pates,...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -146 Summer 2018
“Dija Know…” Joe’s Newsletter #146, summer 2018 Sheila (archives available at JoesDining.com) Russ Thornton’s fertile imagination puts Zozobra in charge of chile roasting. ◆ What could be more seasonal and peculiar to Santa Fe than our own flammable Zozobra roasting New Mexico’s inimitable chile?! Russel Thornton’s fantastic rendering of Zozo is available as a greeting card – see it at the red counter along with other local artists’ cards offered for sale. Russ will be showing his body of work...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -145 Spring 2018
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -145 Spring 2018 . At the top of the world. Roland, Aline and Sheila touring Berry Ranch near Raton in May. (notice the abundance of rich green grass compared to the rest of drought stricken NM this year) . ◆ We recently had the pleasure and rare privilege of touring the ranch of one of our suppliers, Berry Beef Ranch. Landon Berry (6thgeneration Berry family rancher), his father, Patrick and their friend and business partner, Matt Oakeley, hosted us at the...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -144 Spring 2018
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -144 Spring 2018 (archives available at JoesDining.com) Spring is here! The winds and flowers have arrived. All we need is RAIN! ◆ It’s spring and Joe’s has events! – Easter on April 1st, follows the beginning of Passover. Joe’s continues its Easter tradition with a wonderful prix fixe 3-course menu featuring a succulent braised leg of lamb, poached Halibut and Chicken Vol au Vent. $32/pp. Please reserve. Our Brunch menu is offered as...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -143 Winter 2017-18
“Dija Know…” Joe’s Newsletter #143, Winter 2017-18 Sheila (archives available at JoesDining.com) Aria and Chuckie, resting – preparing for the Chinese Year of the Dog starting Feb.16 ♦ According to the Chinese Zodiac, 2018 is the year of the Dog and its characteristic word is ACTION (in spite of the picture above)! Chinese New Year in 2018 is on Friday, February 16 and ends on February 4, 2019. Like a major aspect of the dog personality, the Year of the Dog is traditionally...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -142 Winter 2017-18
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -142 Winter 2017-18 We can dream. Let it snow! ♦ Thanksgiving bonus. Many thanks to all of you who paid for their Thanksgiving dinners with cash or check. As promised, Joe’s donated 2% of those sales to the Food Depot – nearly 90 bucks! ♦ Richard Eeds broadcasts the Richard Eeds Show live from Joe’s each 1st Friday of the month from 1-5pm on Hutton 1260AM KTRC. Richard keeps us abreast of all the New Mexico news. Richard will be here Jan....
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -141 Autumn 2017
“Dija Know…” Joe’s Newsletter #141, Autumn 2017 Sheila (archives available at JoesDining.com) Unicorns – can the myth be real? . ♦ As much as I wish unicorns were real, I have my doubts. But what I do know is that many of the “facts” they’ve told us about what’s good for our health and what isn’t, are indeed myths. In the last newsletter, we examined myths concerning chocolate, soy, salt, hemp/cannabis, coconut oil and fat. (See #140). This time we’ll continue to bust more health myths...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -140 Late Summer 2017
Dija Know… Joe’s Newsletter #140, LATE SUMMER 2017 Sheila (archives available at JoesDining.com) Almost knocked myself out the other day . ♦ In my musings recently about food and health practices, I slapped my forehead as it dawned on me – almost everything “they’ve” told us was bad for us has now proven to be actually rather good for us! Cases in point – my favorites first; chocolate, coffee, butter, raw milk, cream, saturated fats, eggs, meat*, coconut oil, salt, sunshine at noon, alcohol and...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -139 Summer 2017
Joe’s Newsletter #139, SUMMER 2017 Sheila (archives available at JoesDining.com) Dog days of summer – Chuckie in cooling lizard pose. . ♦ Summer events: Fathers’ Day is June 18th. We’ll offer tender baby back ribs, our giant Kobe beef hot dog and other good eats. Dads, ask for your free glass of beer or mimosa! Independence Day falls on a Tuesday. Roland and Chef Eder will create some delicious summer dishes. Then Friday July 7th, Richard Eeds broadcasts his morning show live from...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -138 May 2017
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -137 April 2017 . Welcome visitor on our back yard cherry tree April 2017. Yes, it’s Spring! . ♦ Mothers’ Day is May 14th this year! Roland will create some beautiful delicious specials for the occasion, with the special menu starting at noon. Brunch menu as well. Please make your reservations to assure your preferred seating time. ♦ Sugar? Or artificial sweeteners? According to a study published April 2017 in the American Heart Association’s journal Stroke,...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -137 April 2017
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -137 April 2017 Sheila (archives available at JoesDining.com) Seeds – Life – Mankind’s Birthright (so we thought) . ♦ I don’t know when you pay your taxes, but I always wait ’til the last moment. It leaves my wallet a little thin at this time of year. And for those of you who might be in the same boat – here it comes! Joe’s Fifth Annual Burger Week, where we roll back the prices to . . . oh I would say . . . 1998, on any two-topping beef...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -136 March 2017
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -136 March 2017 Joe’s now-famous Corned Beef and Cabbage ♦ March – an unpredictable month. The winds can undo you. Late snows can decimate your blooming bulbs. Hail can put a pretty pattern on your car. Yet it promises Spring and with Spring come St. Paddy’s Day! What so darned special about that, you say? Well at Joe’s we take St. Paddy’s Day so seriously that we stretch out the celebration for several days. From Monday March 13 through Friday March 17,...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -135 February 2017
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -135 February 2017 . . In Chinese astrology 2017 the year of the fire rooster. . . . ♦ The Chinese Year of the Fire Rooster started Jan 28. According to that calendar, here’s what 2017 can look like. It will be a powerful year with no middle of the road when it comes to moving forward. Impressions count. You’ll want to look your best and be clear on your intentions concerning love, money, and business. Stick to practical well-proven paths to ensure success, rather...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -134 January 2017
“Dija Know…” Joe’s Newsletter #134, Jan 2017 Sheila (archives available at JoesDining.com) Farewell my dear sweet friend. You carried me many miles. ♦ All members of our original equine family are now galloping on the other side, hopefully together. Beau was the last of that group – we think he was 32 or 33. They formed and changed our lives. Only Rosie remains now. She and Chuckie (dog) are becoming fast friends. ♦ Friday Jan 6th from 7:30 – 11am, Richard Eeds broadcasts the Morning Show live from...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -133 December 2016
Joe’s Newsletter #133, December 2016 Sheila, CIL (archives available at JoesDining.com) A Christmas stocking without a Joe’s gift card? Unthinkable! . ♦ Just a reminder: every $100 Joe’s gift card, or $25 increments thereof, gets an additional 10% when you pay by check or cash. ♦ Thank you! the 3rd annual fund-raiser for the Listening Horse Therapeutic Riding was a terrific success, thanks to you and all who dined at Joe’s that day. We were able to write them the biggest check so far. By the way, they are...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -132 November 2016
Joe’s Newsletter #132, NOV 2016 Sheila, CIL (archives available at JoesDining.com) Our apricot tree slowly turning. ♦ What a glorious gradual autumn we are having here in Santa Fe. And Thanksgiving is is the centerpiece of this month. As in years past Joe’s will offer a scrumptious take-out heat and serve traditional menu. Order the entire meal or just the à la carte courses you choose. The menu is posted on the website and also printed for your convenience. Organic turkey is the star of the...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -131 October 2016
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -131 October 2016 Rosie, one year after adoption. She’s discovered the apple tree! ♦ Believe it or not, it’s not too soon to start making your Thanksgiving plans! As in years past Joe’s will offer a scrumptious take-out heat and serve traditional menu. Order the entire meal or just the à la carte courses you desire. The menu will be published soon on our website and also printed for your convenience. Organic turkey is the centerpiece of the offerings but there...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -130 September 2016
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -130 September 2016 . Two food labels we currently can trust when shopping for groceries . ♦ This must surely be the best month of all in Santa Fe. Zozobra, Fiestas, the Pet Parade, the Wine and Chile Fiesta – it makes your head spin. The weather is exquisite in September and the bounty of our fabulous Farmers Market is at its very best. Enjoy! ♦ Friday Sept. 2nd from 7:30 – 11am, Richard Eeds returns to Joe’s, broadcasting the Morning Show live on Hutton FM...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -129 August 2016
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -129 August 2016 Tomayto, tomawto — the local tomatoes are taking their time. ♦ We jumped the gun. We promised you tomatoes by Aug 1st. Darn, they have their own agenda – just ask the farmers. Last year tomato season started in mid July. This year? Nope! As you probably remember, Joe’s uses only local heirloom organic tomatoes for our Margherita Pizza and Caprese Salad. All I can say is, hold on. Because once they arrive, it will be worth every day you...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -128 July 2016
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -128 July 2016 Independence Day 2016 ♦ Joe’s is open regular hours all through the Independence Day weekend from 7:30am to 9pm. ♦ Speaking of Independence Day, those of us here in the United States and for that matter, on Earth today are delighted or angered or scared to death or something in between, to witness unprecedented (to my knowledge) challenges, upheavals and restructuring of every human institution – education, food production, justice, social...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -127 June 2016
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -127 June 2016 It’s all flooding in now – the summer bounty from our farmers ♦ Joe’s is open all day Fathers’ Day from 7:30am to 9pm. We serve our fabulous Brunch from 9 – 3. Dinner specials start at 5pm, and will include juicy, meaty baby back ribs along with other offerings. ♦ Until I started researching brain health (2 years ago), I didn’t realize how dynamic the field is, how quickly it’s changing and how exciting the new findings are. There is...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -126 May 2016
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -126 May 2016 . Love your bones. May is Osteoporosis Awareness Month “I have them, they hold me up” . . . ♦ Joe’s is open all day Mothers’ Day from 7:30am to 9pm. We suggest reservations for our fabulous Brunch from 9 – 3. Dinner specials start at 5pm, and as usual we serve all through the day from our regular menus. ♦ Bones. Who knew how critically important strong bones were? Not me. Until a few months ago, I took my bones for granted. I have...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -125 April 2016
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -125 April 2016 -Sheila It’s Joe’s 4th Annual Burger Week! Taxes took a bite? Bite back! For seven glorious days every April around tax time, Joe’s rolls back the price of a 2-topping grass-finished local beef burger to just 7.99. You pick the toppings and we’ll deliver the yum of our open-fire grilled burger! Upgrade to Antonio’s organic lamb or Monte’s buffalo for a few bucks more. Burger week runs April 11 through 18th. The raised bed wagons...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -124 March 2016
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -124 March 2016 – Sheila . Mouth-watering: Joe’s Corned Beef & Cabbage . One of my mother’s favorite holidays was St. Paddy’s Day. She wasn’t even Irish, but she had a very good friend who was. Dear Maggie would bring the fun of St. Paddy’s Day to our home every year with green balloons, green popping party crackers and a hidden whoopee cushion! We probably won’t do that at Joe’s. (Who knows?) But we will start the traditional corned beef and...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -123 February 2016
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -123 February 2016 – Sheila (archives available at JoesDining.com) Love is timeless. Happy Valentine’s Day! Roland is working on a special prix fixe Valentine’s weekend menu. He is going to make it easy for you to celebrate with your special Valentine (eat in or take out) by offering the Menu on the 12th, 13th & 14th of February. The menu will be out a few days before Valentine’s. Reservations might be a good idea. The works of 3 new artists...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -122 January 2016
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -122 January 2016 -Sheila Is it just me, or is time whizzing by? Road of Time – photo by RR We are beyond the holiday season now, but Joe’s Red Room is always perfect for meetings and parties. It seats 32 comfortably. Friday Jan 8 from 7:30 – 11am, Richard Eeds returns to Joe’s broadcasting the Morning Show live on 101.5. During the broadcast, watch Richard at work and benefit from a surprise discount on your breakfast! Just ask. Eat your...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -121 December 2015
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -121 December 2015 – Sheila Chimayo Christmas, photo by Bill Todino Seasonal greeting cards, like the one above, are available for purchase at the red counter. They are creations of 4 local artists. We truly wish everyone a very joyful Christmas and a happy Chanukah. It seems that especially this year, holding peace and brotherly love in our hearts and minds is an imperative. We indeed wish you peace and love. see gifts from Joe’s Mon Dec. 7 is the 2nd...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -120 November 2015
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -119 October 2015 – Sheila Our new family member, Chuckie. Thanksgiving ushers in the holiday season. For the 14th year, we offer the easiest most delicious way for you to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner at home – for one or up to 50 people. Essentially just heat and serve! Couldn’t be easier. Ask for the detailed menu and order form. Or get it on the website. The turkey is Heidi’s organic and there are many scrumptious side dishes to choose from. Order the...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -119 October 2015
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -119 October 2015 – Sheila October in New Mexico All good things come to an end. Those succulent sun-ripened heirloom earth-grown local tomatoes are still here (as of today Oct 2nd. ) – their longest season ever. But the season will end abruptly and Joe’s inimitable and famous Margherita Pizza will pack it in until summer 2016. So don’t miss out – treat yourself to at least one of these delicious pizzas before the season ends. There’s just...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -118 September 2015
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -118 September 2015 . Mary Olivia’s wildly creative quilts in the Red Room. A portable and unique gift. . All good things come to an end. But not yet! Those succulent sun-ripened heirloom earth-grown local tomatoes are here for a while longer. But who knows for how long? We will continue to purchase as many as the farmers and the New Mexico sun can produce. But the tomato season will come to an end and Joe’s inimitable and famous Margherita Pizza will pack it in for...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -117 August 2015
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -117 August 2015 One gorgeously unique tomato at the August 1st Farmers Market Yes they’re here! Those incomparable close-to-divine sun-ripened heirloom earth-grown (not hydroponic) local tomatoes. I believe there is a consensus – we’ve all fallen in love with tomatoes. Avid gardeners have never lost sight of truly seasonal foods. But many of us spent decades thinking tomatoes were a pale sickly orange color, one size only, tough enough to do your grip...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -116 July 2015
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -116 July 2015 Summertime I love summer. I love the heat. I love frying eggs on the sidewalk. I love sitting on the deck in the evening swatting mosquitoes. I love the early morning sun and the late sunsets. I love wearing just one layer of clothing (if that.) I love the smell of a hot sweating horse under saddle, the sound of distant thunder, the smell of rain moving in on dusty fields. I love watching greedy hummingbirds at the feeders. I love...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -115 June 2015
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -115 June 2015 . Picnic season has begun . One of our favorite environmental groups, Wild Earth Guardians, kicks off summer in their usual manner – a great picnic. Join in for lovely food, drink, and conversation. Thursday June 18, 5:30pm-8:00pm, 516 Alto Street, Santa Fe. Mingle with new friends, hear about new campaigns, bring a friend. They make this event free so everyone can attend. RSVP email Claire Nickel or call (505) 988-9126 x3. (Bears will be seated at...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -114 May 2015
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -114 May 2015 Still our favorite hot mama. Happy Mothers’ Day, ladies! We trust you will love the selections on our special 3-course Prix Fixe Mother’s Day menu. But if that doesn’t catch your fancy, the Brunch menu and regular menus are in effect as well. Please reserve early. u You’ll notice some snappy colorful new paintings of chickens by local artist, Nancy Nickerson on the ramp to the Red Room. What fun! Yes all the artwork at Joe’s is by local...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -113 April 2015
Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter #113, APR 2015 “Boy, Drone-a-zon.com has really made Easter deliveries a lot easier.” (Another Chef Russ original) April is another event-full month. Most important, of course, it’s Roland’s birthday month – LOL. Then we have Easter falling in April this year. See our special Easter menu – 3-course prixe fix as in past years, starting at noon. Please reserve to ensure a table at your preferred time. Our regular menus (Brunch and...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -112 March 2015
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -112 March 2015 -sheila Chef Russell Thornton does it again – cartoon genius March is chuck full of events. Our horses’ birthdays, family anniversaries . . . but what you will like most is St. Paddy’s Week. Yes, I said week. We start serving our now-famous corned beef and cabbage and tiny red potatoes on Wednesday March 11th and wrap it up on the official day March 17th. So, a full 7 days to enjoy this mouth-watering meal. I will bet you’ll come...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -111 February 2015
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -111 February 2015 -Sheila Chef Russell has many talents – cartooning is one! Make your reservations soon for Valentine’s. Joe’s will offer a divine prixe fix 3-course dinner on both Friday Feb 13 and Sat. Feb 14 starting at 5pm. Ask to see the special menu. Regular menu offered as well. And for a sweet treat for your dear ones we now have lovely gift boxes for Joe’s melt-in-your-mouth French chocolate truffles. 4 in gift box $10, and 6 in...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -110 January 2015
Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter #110, JAN 2015 – Sheila On Wed Jan. 14 eat well and eat often at Joe’s. Why? Because without costing you an extra penny, you are raising funds for Monte del Sol Charter School Mentorship Program. Joe’s will donate to the program 20% of whatever you spend; a program in which students learn valuable skills guided by working professionals in the community and at the same time are able to follow their passion. Concomitantly they learn to connect and contribute to our Santa Fe...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -109 December 2014
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -109 December 2014 . Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! . . . Please? . . Thinking of a holiday gathering or party? Joe’s Red Room accommodates 30-40 people for both sit-down parties and come’n go mingling parties. We can do anything from finger foods and beverages to full several course meals. And Roland always offers the best price he possibly can for large groups. We extend a warm welcome to our new head chef, Russell Thornton who will take a huge...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -108 November 2014
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -108 November 2014 The Listening Horse Therapeutic Riding . . . We love horses, in case you didn’t know by now! So that was what first drew us to The Listening Horse. There we met Gus, president and Laurie and Kathy, and we knew we had met people who were truly devoted to a calling. The Listening Horse Therapeutic Riding is a member of the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH Intl). They offer recreational therapy with horses...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -107 October 2014
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -107 October 2014 Seasonal bounty in Joe’s Van after the usual trip to the Farmer’s Market Joe’s will soon host a fund-raiser for the local therapeutic riding organization, the Listening Horse. 20% of your meal total is donated to them that day. Stay tuned for details. Listeninghorse.org Last year Joe’s brought home a ribbon from the Hungry Mouth Charitable Event for a main course. This year Roland will be one of the judges. This event supports one of Santa...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -106 September 2014
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter – Sheila Harvest time already? My uncle and grandpa taking a coffee break from stooking crops. Saskatchewan circa 1932 Hemp: Our Forefathers’ Most Important Crop is the topic of Carbon Economy Series’ event Nov 21-22 at SFCC. Doug Fine, author of Hemp Bound: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Next Agricultural Revolution, will teach. It was the most important crop of colonial USA. The stat sheet on hemp sounds almost too good to be true: among Earth’s...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -105 August 2014
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter If you’re a regular at Joe’s, skip this. You already know we are into the most exciting food season in Northern New Mexico and even more exciting, the annual return of Joe’s famous Margherita Pizza. OMG, I can taste it now as I write! For the 19 years we have been making this pizza it has gathered an impatient following. Why? What could be simpler than a cheese and tomato pizza? Well, here’s the secret – we don’t do it all year round. I don’t care what kind of...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -104 July 2014
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -104 July 2014 Symbol of U.S. independence – what my immigrant grandparents saw as they were processed through Ellis Island in 1899. Happy 4th everyone. July 15 – your last day to take advantage of a great deal while donating to the local farm movement. Joe’s is promoting and donating to the work of Farm to Restaurant. What is Joe’s doing? And how can you help? Until July 15 we are offering a prix fixe meal for two for 49.00 every day starting at 11AM. 10% of...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -103 June 2014
Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter #103, June 2014 Food from Farm to Restaurant starts with our local farmers and ranchers (and friends!) All throughout June Joe’s is promoting and donating to the work of Farm to Restaurant. F2R is a program under the umbrella of the better-known Farm to Table organization. F2R facilitates local food sourcing between Santa Fe restaurants and local growers and educates the public about the benefits of eating locally grown. This reinforces the critical link...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -102 May 2014
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -102 May 2014 The winds have arrived. Hang on to your hat! . . . . May brings us all kinds of goodies – western winds, Mothers’ Day, Memorial Day, graduations – May is a busy month. Joe’s will again help you celebrate your Mom. We offer a delightful 3-course prix fixe menu starting at 11:30 that day. Please please make your reservation. On any other Sunday small parties can always be accommodated, BUT on Mother’s Day, we strongly urge you to...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -101 April 2014
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -101 April 2014 “Mick” – some of you have asked about our horse. Here he is- healthy again and full of it! Locavores, come celebrate Joe’s 2nd Annual Burger Week starting Monday Ap 7! If taxes are taking a bite, bite back! Enjoy a 2 topping Beef Burger on a fresh Fano bun all week long with homemade chips lettuce, tomato and red onion for the incredible price of $7.99! (Regular price 12.97) This is top quality New Mexico beef raised and finished on grass...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -100 March 2014 – Special Chocolate Edition
Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -100 March 2014 – Special Chocolate Edition The Chocolate Challenge – tell me honestly, who doesn’t love chocolate? One of Joe’s waiters, Mark Reichard, who has also been a chef, is kindly donating his time and skill while Joe’s donates the supplies and ingredients to create a chocolate sensation (wait ‘til you see it!) for La Familia Medical Center Benefit. The Inn at Loretto hosts the event on Sat March 1, 2014 starting at 5:30 pm. Enjoy music, hors...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -99 March 2014
I thought I’d married a German boy. But when St. Paddy’s Day comes ‘round, chef Roland captures the magic of the Irish in his cooking. His now-famous corned beef, cabbage and boiled new potatoes is beyond mouth-watering. It will be available, not just on March 17th, but the whole week prior – Tuesday March 11 through Monday March 17 (if supplies last!) Same price as last year: $11.99/Lunch. $14/Dinner. Grab yourself a pint of Irish Red Ale or Guinness Stout with your meal – 1/2 price ($2.50) all...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -98 February 2014
Here are some thoughts on the Year of the Horse. The horse is one of the Chinese’ favorite animals. A horse provides good and quick transportation, symbolically a sign of speedy success. Horses are social, alert, intuitive and incredibly sensitive. They like to be in the open where they can see and flee danger. Horses help humans win battles and riding a horse will take you places you could not get to otherwise. Horses love to be in motion, but if restricted, can appear lazy. The horse is above all,...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -97 January 2014
Numerologically 2014 is deemed a “7” year Last year at this time we looked at 2013 through the eyes of Chinese astrology. It was the year of the Snake. This year “fun with numbers” (numerology) tells us that 2014 is a Number 7. (2+0+1+4= 7). Now, what does that imply? In a general sense, the Number 7 is a seeker, the thinker, the searcher of truth, the one who questions everything. So 2014 will be a year of deep introspection, and transformation for the betterment. Globally, this will be a year of...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -96 December 2013
Reserve Joe’s Red Room – perfect for parties! Looking for totally unique, totally Santa Fe holiday gifts? Two accomplished local artists are showing on Joe’s walls currently. Nancy Dean Kreger’s brilliant watercolors in the main dining room and Bill Todino’s stark almost sacred photographs are in the Red Room. All works are for sale, just add it to your lunch check! And don’t forget Joe’s gift cards – buy $100 worth and get $10 free bonus for yourself! What could be easier? Dija Know? ...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -95 November 2013
Thanksgiving, it’s here already; and it reminds us of our many blessings. Here at Joe’s we most especially want to thank you, our guests. So many of you have followed our “story” for 11 years! Bless you. And as for Thanksgiving dinner itself, as in years past, we advise you to “Let Joe Do It!” See our menu and the order sheet – everything is designed to heat and serve. Order just a few items and cook the rest yourself, or select the complete meal from soup to dessert. Please do not delay, we have a limited...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -94 October 2013
Moveable Feast For the entire month of October Joe’s offers you a Prix Fixe Menu starting at 5pm every day — 3-courses for just $19.95! It is part of an October event cooked up by the folks at Edible Santa Fe to encourage eating locally grown foods. Joe’s Prixe Fix Menu will change in response to what the farmers have available at the moment. To see today’s Prixe Fix Menu and wine pairing check our Daily Specials menu. The St. Elizabeth’s Shelter Hungry Mouth Festival was a blast. Roland’s team of...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -93 September 2013
St. Elizabeth’s Shelter Hungry Mouth Festival is certainly one of the most unique and exciting events of the year! St. Elizabeth’s has provided food and shelter for Santa Fe’s homeless for 27 years and is now planning an evening of fantastic food cooked by 4 teams of prominent Santa Feans. These four competing “Iron-Chef-On-Steroids” teams are coached by four local celebrity chefs. Roland is proud to be one them, guiding his incredibly pumped team of local elected officials (yes you will recognize them). ...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -92 August 2013
Mary’s Organic Non-GMO chickens We are excited and pleased to now be able to offer you Mary’s Chicken for our Herb Roasted Chicken and other dishes. Mary’s is an elite producer meeting ultra high standards as set by both the Non-GMO Project and by a new group called the Global Animal Partnership. Mary’s Free-Range California Bronze Air Chilled Chickens are raised on pasture, have places to perch and areas to dust bathe. They are treated with great respect and compassion. They are a slower growing breed and are...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -90 July 2013
Local artist Nancy Dean Kreger’s works are on Joe’s walls for a return engagement. Her use of vibrant watercolors and solid composition seduce the viewer into her world. We hope you enjoy them. All works are for sale. Credit cards can be used for art purchases. . Nancy Dean Kreger What would you say if I told you I tip my hat to 3 of the giant fast food chains? Say what?! Yeah, I know, hard to believe. Let me hasten to say I still would not eat their products, for multiple reasons. ...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -89 June 2013
The birth of taste bud memories Tomayto, tomawto – however you choose to say it, we have just planted our tiny starters for Joe’s patio. Every year Dave Fresquez from Monte Vista Organics gives us a few tomato plants. Tracking their growth, shows us when Margherita Pizza season starts. That is when luscious, soil-grown, sun-ripened heirloom tomatoes whose color spectrum reaches from deep purple, bright yellow, green striped to ruby red in sizes ranging from pea to small melon are ready to be harvested. ...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -88 May 2013
Lester Cisneros is a tornado of creativity in Joe’s kitchen. Recently joining the team as executive chef he, along with other duties, is creating new dishes and specials. Some of you may have already sampled his beautifully plated dishes. If the last several weeks are any preview, a formidable team has emerged – Roland’s lifetime of experience as guiding force and Lester with unbridled enthusiasm and utter love of cooking. As fast as the farmers can deliver, these two are turning local products into healthy...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -87 April 2013
Locavores, come celebrate the First Annual Burger Week at Joe’s April 15 – 21! If taxes took a bite, bite back! Enjoy a 2 topping Beef Burger all week long with homemade chips lettuce, tomato and red onion for the incredible price of $7.99! (Regular price 12.97) No limit, eat in or take out. This is top quality New Mexico beef raised and finished on grass and grass alone; making it sustainable, delicious and nutritionally far superior. Then add to that Joe’s unique mesquite open-fire grilling – yummy! Take...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -85 March 2013
I thought chef Roland was German. Didn’t you? But clearly he must have at least a smidge of Irish blood. His now-famous St. Paddy’s Day corned beef, cabbage and boiled new potatoes is beyond mouth-watering. It will be available, not just on March 17th, but the whole week leading up to March 17th – Tuesday March 12 through Sunday March 17 (if supplies last!) $11.99/Lunch. $14/Dinner. Don’t miss it. Guinness Stout with your Irish meal – ½ price! An early start in learning to garden for...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -84 March 2013
Norwegian Icebreaker heralds the beginning of Spring The image of a Norwegian Senior in bathing suit breaking the ice with an ax has been removed Fatty foods that make you skinny. Continuing our series, here is yet another wonderful food that has many health benefits. Coconut and coconut oil are emerging from ignominy, shunned for decades because of misinformation.* Coconut is high in medium chain fatty acids, the main one of which is lauric acid. Lauric acid fights...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -83 February 2013
Look ma, no teeth! . . Even before our first tooth, our development is shaped by multiple factors, many of which we can control – nurturing, appropriate mental stimulation, nutrition, safe environment, etc. One developmental factor has been around for so many years we hardly question it – the addition of fluoride to our public water supply. It’s an issue that has some people in Santa Fe steamed. And there is a body of research that is gaining credibility to support these Santa Feans’ protest of ...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -82 January 2013
2013. The Chinese year of the Snake. It’s hard to conceive of a more eventful year than 2012. But it takes no crystal ball to see we are headed into yet another very interesting year. Certain characteristics are attributed to the year of the Snake and to people born in Snake years: keen, aware, cunning, proud, vain, vicious. With traits like that you would hardly think that one would or could go over a fiscal cliff. The good news is the cliff was averted last night (Jan 1). The bad news is the cliff was...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -81 December 2012
Lou Levin will be joining us at Joe’s for at least several weeks. He’ll play solo keyboards enhancing Sunday Brunches with live music! Lou plays the great American Songbook standards we all love. Join us for Sunday Brunch and delightful live music. <<< ( canceled ) >>> Book now! The Red Room is still available for your Christmas or festive event. It’s also a great space for power breakfast meetings. Ask Roland about group and party discounts. The Beaujolais Nouveau is here!...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -80 November 2012
Thanksgiving is upon us – reminding us individually and as a nation, to give thanks for all things great and small. And it’s Joe’s pleasure to make Thanksgiving Day festivities simpler for you to enjoy. “Let Joe do it”, and you can take the credit! We are again offering our Thanksgiving take home menu. The dishes are par-cooked in oven-ready containers. Just heat and serve. Ask for the order form and choose à la carte items or the entire meal from soup to dessert. This year we are offering local organic Embudo...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -79 November 2012
Bill Todino is the current local artist whose impeccable works you see in the main dining room. His photographic representations have a pure quality, absent of maudlin or saccharine sentiment, but representative of the deep roots of Faith here — eminently New Mexican. Reasonably priced in time for holiday giving! u Breakfast at Joe’s is a great and nourishing way to start a chilly morning. We start serving at 7:30 every day. And if you read The New Mexican newspaper you could be lucky enough to find a...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -78 October 2012
Galante Wine Dinner at Joe’s Galante Wine Dinner Sept 26th There’s nothing like a great party! And by all reports, a great party was had at our annual wine dinner. Of course it helped that Jack Galante (owner of Galante Wines and our co-host) is a consummate party guy! The wine flowed, the jokes and laughter spilled over. Several Santa Fe restaurant industry heavyweights were there (no siree I’m not mentioning names!) and our waiters did a bang-up job keeping the guests fed and happy. The kitchen staff...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -77 September 2012
Galante Wine Dinner Sept 26th Joe’s is proud to participate once again in the Santa Fe Wine and Chile Fiesta. We will be hosting our Wine Dinner on Wednesday, September 26th partnering with Galante Vineyards of Carmel CA. Roland will create and pair his dishes with these multi-award-winning wines. Ask to see the menu – and allow for a certain degree of “chef’s artistic license” because, as you know by now, Roland will also be inspired by what is ripe, seasonal and local at the last minute. The theme is...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -76 August 2012
Special Edition GrillNChill, 2012 Grill and Chill at the Farmers Market Hall It’s that time again – time for our signature Margherita Pizza making its 17th year return engagement. In 1996 at Pizza Etc. we started buying these wonderful heirloom tomatoes from Dave Fresques. and we have been making our Margherita Pizza the same way ever since. Each year it has a growing and devoted following. It would appear we exaggerate when we say our Margherita Pizza is so incredibly delicious. But we aren’t alone in...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -75b August 2012
Dave and his first crop this year It’s that time again – time for our signature Margherita Pizza making its 17th year return engagement. In 1996 at Pizza Etc. we started buying these wonderful local heirloom tomatoes from Dave Fresques. Roland then put together the most sumptuous but simple pizza using exclusively local and in-season ingredients. We use NM organic flour for the crust, local earth-grown heirloom tomatoes and basil. Simple but incomparable. So, if you’ve been waiting all year, it’s finally...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -75 August 2012
Dave and his first crop this year It’s that time again – time for our signature Margherita Pizza making its 17th year return engagement. In 1996 at Pizza Etc. we started buying these wonderful local heirloom tomatoes from Dave Fresques. Roland then put together the most sumptuous but simple pizza using exclusively local and in-season ingredients. We use NM organic flour for the crust, local earth-grown heirloom tomatoes and basil. Simple but incomparable. So, if you’ve been waiting all year, it’s finally...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -74 July 2012
Special Edition LOMB July 11, 2012 Frying an egg on the sidewalk Holy Toledo, it’s been hot. In our 22 years in SF we cannot recall a hotter, drier June. Here at Joe’s we are saving energy costs by frying all our eggs out on the patio sidewalk. Effective July1, we have a new state law on the books aimed at protecting New Mexico’s most iconic agricultural product. From the Las Cruces Sun News. (http://bit.ly/LyQOwE) ‘The New Mexico Chile Advertising Act makes it unlawful for vendors to label chile as...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -73 July 2012
Frying an egg on the sidewalk Holy Toledo, it’s been hot. In our 22 years in SF we cannot recall a hotter, drier June. Here at Joe’s we are saving energy costs by frying all our eggs out on the patio sidewalk. Yes we will be open all usual hours throughout the July 4th week — daily 7:30AM – 9:00PM. Effective July1, we have a new state law on the books aimed at protecting New Mexico’s most iconic agricultural product. From the Las Cruces Sun News. (http://bit.ly/LyQOwE) ‘The New Mexico Chile Advertising...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -72b June 2012
It’s Margarita time! Yes we have margaritas. They are made with agave wine and are absolutely delicious (and large!) Joe’s Meet Your Farmer program, started May 2011, continues. Here’s how it works. Every Saturday after Market (sometime after 1:30) we invite any and all of our local growers to come by Joe’s to relax over a meal and a beer. (We bribe them with a “good deal”). You, our guests are invited to sit with them, chat with them, ask them questions about their growing practices. And just...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -72 June 2012
Yes we have margaritas. They are made with agave wine and are absolutely delicious (and large!) Joe’s Meet Your Farmer program, started May 2011, continues. Here’s how it works. Every Saturday after Market (sometime after 1:30) we invite any and all of our local growers to come by Joe’s to relax over a meal and a beer. (We bribe them with a “good deal”). You, our guests are invited to sit with them, chat with them, ask them questions about their growing practices. And just generally get up-close and...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -71 May 2012
Special Edition Chamber Business After Hours Joe’s Dining and Santa Fe Soul host this month’s Business After Hours Business After Hours (through the SF Chamber of Commerce) this month is held on Thursday May 17 at 5:30PM. Santa Fe Soul is hosting the event, Santa Fe Brewing Co. will donate the beer and food will be donated by Joe’s Dining. Don’t miss this opportunity to move your business forward by networking with other local business owners. 2905 Rodeo Park Dr. East, Bldg #3 Joe’s Meet Your...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -70 May 2012
Special Camino de Paz Edition May 2012 Joel Salatin with Roland Richter chef-owner of Joe’s Cinco de Mayo will be very special this year with sustainable farming’s rock star, Joel Salatin, returning to Santa Fe and specifically to Camino de Paz School & Farm in Santa Cruz, NM. They are celebrating in their unique way and invite all to come and see how things are done on this very special farm and to listen to Joel’s provocative ideas and hilarious take on our modern food system. Roland will be cooking the...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -69 May 2012
One hot mama. Not exactly your typical mom, but . . . did we get your attention? LOL For Mothers Day – Roland’s special prix fixe 3-course menu will be offered from noon through to 9PM, or whenever we run out. $24.95 per person. It is also available a la carte. As well, our regular menus are in effect. Lots of choices! Please reserve as early as possible to avoid disappointment. Joe’s Meet Your Farmer program. We introduced it last May and it was active during the summer, fall...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -68B April 2012
Meet Your Farmer Easter and Passover are past and all that time we spent aiding the taxman to graciously accept our money is hopefully over for the year. Earth Day and Mother’s Day are coming. But what we’re most excited about is the revival of Joe’s Meet Your Farmer program. We introduced it last May and during the winter months it kind of dwindled. Now with the onset of the growing season again, we want to re-invite our farmer, rancher and grower friends. So every Saturday after Market (sometime...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -68 April 2012
Easter and Passover are upon us – we will celebrate with lamb on Sunday April 8th. The special menu starts at 11AM and will be offered all day. There are other entrées as well. Ask to see the special menu. Easter and Passover are two of the most sacred holy days of their respective religions. The Judeo and Christian traditions are so very much intertwined. Of course the early Christians were in fact Jews and Jesus was a Jew. At the time he didn’t know he was a Christian. (Just a little humor there). Both...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -67 March 2012
Fresh from the farm! We love this old painting by Ellen Segner. It’s so fresh and charming and embodies the qualities we endeavor to bring to you in our food. Hope you like it too. YES IT’S TRUE – Joe’s is now open on Mondays! That makes it 7 days a week 7:30AM straight through to 9:00PM. Pretty much 363 days a year. You are invited to the Santa Fe Restaurant Association’s Annual Fundraiser – The Culinary Arts Ball Wed March 28. Enjoy a sumptuous 5 course feast prepared by five of Santa...
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here at Joe’s many, many items are prepared from scratch on premises: fiore di latte (fresh mozzarella) is made daily, smoked meats, brisket, smoked salmon, all desserts and pastries, sauces, soups, pizza dough, dressings, some breads. that since 1995 (starting at our first location – Pizza Etc.), we have led the Santa Fe food industry, in supporting the Farmers Market. By all the farmers’ consensus, we buy more local, regional grass-fed beef, bison, lamb, poultry, eggs, produce, flour, veggies...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -66 Feb 2012
Mary Olivea’s beautiful and wildly creative quilted art pieces enhance Joe’s walls for a return engagement. Everyone is invited to her Reception and Opening on Sunday Feb 26 from 3:30 – 5:00PM. Refreshments will be served. Mary will make prints of her works available for purchase and her small pieces are also available – see the basket on the wine cabinet. YES IT’S TRUE – Joe’s is now open on Mondays! That makes it so much easier to remember – 7 days a week 7:30AM...
Read MoreJoe’s Restaurant Newsletter #66 February 2012
YES IT’S TRUE – Joe’s is now open on Mondays! That makes it 7 days a week 7:30AM straight through to 9:00PM. Pretty much 363 days a year. You are invited to the Santa Fe Restaurant Association’s Annual Fundraiser – The Culinary Arts Ball Wed March 28. Enjoy a sumptuous 5 course feast prepared by five of Santa Fe’s most exciting chefs – each course paired with an exceptional wine. (A side note, Roland and Sheila have tasted some of these wines – indeed, they are...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Dining Newsletter -64, January 2012
Yes we finally took a vacation. Way back in April, we won an auction at the Culinary Arts Ball. So Jan 2 we were off to a beautiful all inclusive resort in the Baja. It was a truly magical week and the break was very welcome. The service and accommodations were impeccable. The food presentation was stellar. As restaurant owners we are never really “off duty”. We are keenly interested in how others achieve the successful results they do. Recognizing the unique challenge of having to supply 5 restaurants (the...
Read MoreDija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -61 NOV 2011
Here it comes again, Thanksgiving – our opportunity, as a nation, to give thanks for all things great and small. And Joe’s opportunity to make Thanksgiving Day festivities simpler for you to enjoy. “Let Joe do it”, and you can take credit! We are again offering our Thanksgiving take home menu. The dishes are par-cooked in oven-ready containers. Just heat and serve. Ask for the order form and choose à la carte items or the entire meal from soup to dessert. If you are considering it, we urge you not to delay. The last three years we have sold out and it is heart breaking to have nothing left for “last minute” customers. And while on the subject, Roland and Sheila wish to express our deep gratitude for you our guests, especially our regulars who stand by us through good days (and the other days!) who give us the chance to do what we do, and to each of our dear staff members who work cheerfully often under stress day after day; and to God/Spirit/Divine Intelligence guiding and protecting all.
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