The Heart and Soul Animal Sanctuary serves a region of desperate need. Northern New Mexico has a long history of neglect, ill-treatment and heedless overpopulation of animals. Many of the dogs and cats who come to us have been dumped in trash cans, dropped into roadside ditches or left at gas stations to fend for themselves.
We welcome visitors to the Sanctuary. We’re located in Glorieta, NM, a 20-minute drive from Santa Fe. Please call for an appointment; afternoons between Noon and 5pm are preferable. Call Natalie Owings at (505) 757-6817 for directions.
Adopting an animal who’s been abandoned or abused isn’t always easy. But the dogs and cats who live at The Heart and Soul Animal Sanctuary are well socialized. They get a lot of attention. They’re petted, played with, hugged, loved. They also learn to live in harmony with other animals. This can make them much more adoptable than rescued dogs and cats kept in cages and concrete cells.
Because we live with our animals, we come to know them well. This helps us find just the right family for each dog and cat who’s ready to be adopted.