Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -137 April 2017

Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -137 April 2017

Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -137 April 2017 Sheila   (archives available at JoesDining.com) Seeds – Life – Mankind’s Birthright (so we thought)   . ♦  I don’t know when you pay your taxes, but I always wait ’til the last moment.  It leaves my wallet a little thin at this time of year.  And for those of you who might be in the same boat – here it comes!  Joe’s Fifth Annual Burger Week, where we roll back the prices to . . . oh I would say . . . 1998, on any two-topping beef...

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Munching for Monte — Dec 7th, 2015

Munching for Monte — Dec 7th, 2015

Munching for Monte — Dec 7th, 2015 This is the second time we have a fundraiser for Monte del Sol at Joe’s Dining. Treat yourself well and support a great school at the same time   .     link to school, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Monte-del-Sol-Charter-School/116499965042386 Quick Glance Calendar for Monte del Sol The mission of Monte del Sol Charter School is to challenge each member of its community, both youth and adult, to be a life-long learner and responsible community member...

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Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -117 August 2015

Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -117 August 2015

Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -117 August 2015   One gorgeously unique tomato at the August 1st Farmers Market   Yes they’re here! Those incomparable close-to-divine sun-ripened heirloom earth-grown (not hydroponic) local tomatoes. I believe there is a consensus – we’ve all fallen in love with tomatoes. Avid gardeners have never lost sight of truly seasonal foods. But many of us spent decades thinking tomatoes were a pale sickly orange color, one size only, tough enough to do your grip...

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Tomato Plant

Every Year Dave Fresquez from Monte Vista Organics gives us a few tomato plant to grow on our patio.  This helps us with timing of our fabulous Pizza Margherita and Caprese Salad. Both of these dishes are made only with Sun-ripened, Soil-grown local Heirloom Tomatoes.  These tomatoes are fully ripe when harvested and we do not refrigerate them to insure their full, rich flavor and sweetness. Sometimes the first ones are available in the last week of July.  By mid August we can count on a very steady supply that...

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