Dija Know… Joe’s Restaurant Newsletter -163 Summer 2023

“Dija Know…”

Joe’s Newsletter #163, Summer 2023

Sheila (archives available at JoesDining.com)


Mission: to strengthen our health, to protect our land,

to grow our economy by serving local sustainable food.


A recent visitor.  It’s summer!!





Why is this a more current problem?  I don’t recall my grandparents being so plagued.

Sheila’s speculation/not gospel: the human diet decades and centuries ago, at least in America and Western Europe, was balanced with such foods as raw uncooked dairy, a variety of meats and organs, fatty fish, garden fresh vegetables and also adequate sunshine (Vit D3).  The usable calcium in this type of diet and other minerals in these foods rendered the oxalates impotent by ushering them out of the body on a continuous basis.

I’m no expert, but Sally K. Norton is.  Her book, Toxic Superfoods, may interest you sufficiently to fix that part of your diet, as I am doing.  In the meantime, Roland has agreed to offer (when available) vegetables that are lower in oxalates.  Yes, we care about your health!  And of course, low to no oxalate foods are always available – meats, cheeses, avocado, liver, seafood.

By the way, our pets get these painful crystals too.  Often they scream or whine when passing them in their urine.  They are formed from processed pet foods containing grains and beans/legumes. Check the labels.  Cats and dogs need upwards of a 90% protein diet, not derived from legumes or grains. It takes some searching to find commercial foods that are formulated properly.  Or you can just feed them raw meats, fish, eggs, butter, lard …